da d shi feichangbiaozhun dhanyupinyin a 原帖由 ronaldoghgq 于 2009-2-23 22:32 发表 http://www.zhouchuanxiong.net/images/common/back.gif
wo yundao...
da d shi feichangbiaozhun dhanyupinyin a
你搞什麼鬼 , 不知你說什麼, 能打英文字母寫英文不行嗎? 蛋還吃不夠嗎? 老師的成就有目共睹...創作..演唱,都經得起考驗的..
小剛...歷 史洪流中..他的地位是不朽的..
原帖由 Naoko 于 2009-2-23 22:38 发表 http://www.zhouchuanxiong.net/images/common/back.gif
你搞什麼鬼 , 不知你說什麼, 能打英文字母寫英文不行嗎? 蛋還吃不夠嗎?
其实 他也很痛苦…
回复 20楼 杯水车薪 的帖子
誰說的。。只是忽然覺得這樣很好玩自己的電腦一點小問題。。坑再搞不定就不是強大的坑了 哈哈評價高~識貨。哈哈哈 Good precious material Naoko, thanks for sharing this to us all!!
I wished I was in that concert, love it to death!!watched it millions of times over and over again, especially the part where he was breaking down to tears, so touching!! I was crying along with him too!
Xiao Gang!!
He's so down-to-earth, very sentimental!Love him! 原帖由 杯水车薪 于 2009-2-23 22:55 发表 http://www.zhouchuanxiong.net/images/common/back.gif
其实 他也很痛苦…
回复 25楼 Naoko 的帖子
IamA Keng。。。 I am veryvery (以下省略N个) powerful 。 原帖由 Sammi0128 于 2009-2-24 11:37 发表 http://www.zhouchuanxiong.net/images/common/back.gifNaoko, thanks for sharing this to us all!!
I wished I was in that concert, love it to death!!watched it millions of times over and over again, especially the part where he was breaking...
I can't help but laugh everytime when I was watching 寂寞轟炸.........
[ 本帖最后由 Naoko 于 2009-2-24 23:50 编辑 ] 支持老师。。。。。
回复 27楼 Naoko 的帖子
Oh my goodness! That's pretty funny!I am so sure that he really did put tons of efforts for that dance,
Heard that he might try Hip-Hop dance, can't imagine howwell he will handle that!!
LOL will see then! Can't wait!! 哎......今年什么都没消息呢