亲爱的老师,把跟您走过的一小段刻成了印记作为今年給您的生日礼物! Happy Birthday! 祝您往后的一切都顺利圆满,最重要是身体健康! 尽力表白了,刚丝们很爱你喔!这些年一直都是爱刚不知归!
What a great way to celebrate Steve's birthday! {:7_164:}
It's a beautiful video!! 蓝月亮 发表于 2017-6-15 14:50
What a great way to celebrate Steve's birthday!
It's a beautiful video!!
worked for a couple days to finish, I hope he may love it Naoko 发表于 2017-6-20 12:54
worked for a couple days to finish, I hope he may love it
No doubt about it. It turned out great! {:8_186:} 蓝月亮 发表于 2017-6-25 14:39
No doubt about it. It turned out great!
Not exactly....{:8_187:} Naoko 发表于 2017-6-26 23:24
Not exactly....
Why not?!! I think it's so great! And I can see that you put so much love into making this beautiful video. {:1_282:} 蓝月亮 发表于 2017-7-1 13:32
Why not?!! I think it's so great! And I can see that you put so much love into making this beautif ...
i don't think he has watched it~