本帖最后由 Naoko 于 2018-6-18 00:32 编辑【微博故事】
老師在開往邢台的高鐵動臥包廂上好調皮, 樓下被出賣的經紀人心理陰影可嚴重了
一不小心老師就拍了屏幕中那個頑皮的老飛機了~ 樓下的被出賣喇! 好喜歡! 十分支持!! 老師要經常保持這種狀態喔! https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/4d/2018new_huaixiao_org.png 這幾天趕場辛苦了, 好好休息, 睡香香的, 做個有劇情的美夢~啦~啦~啦~
18061721:56 來自微博故事 @周傳雄
Looking at the screenshot I realized that he was putting his sweater on or something. You can see he only has his arms tucked in the sleeves. {:7_158:} 蓝月亮 发表于 2018-6-21 11:17
Looking at the screenshot I realized that he was putting his sweater on or something. You can see he ...
I will most likely to be murdered by someone......{:7_154:} Naoko 发表于 2018-6-21 13:38
I will most likely to be murdered by someone......
Hahahaha, Maybe next time he will be more careful. {:1_277:} 蓝月亮 发表于 2018-6-29 14:20
Hahahaha, Maybe next time he will be more careful.
noway, Gemini never knew what's "caution"{:8_180:} Naoko 发表于 2018-6-29 17:26
noway, Gemini never knew what's "caution"
LOL, He will pay the price for his mistakes captured on video. {:1_286:}