Naoko 发表于 2009-3-22 02:17:03

回复 16楼 Sammi0128 的帖子


Sammi0128 发表于 2009-3-22 07:15:01

回复 17楼 Naoko 的帖子

#7 Laoshi Said“發夢!” to you when you're thinking to rob his precious stuff!! LOL

It's perfect!!

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-3-23 11:41:47

原帖由 Sammi0128 于 2009-3-22 07:15 发表
#7 Laoshi Said“發夢!” to you when you're thinking to rob his precious stuff!! LOL

It's perfect!!

Hey!How's ur mission going on there!?

Mission Impossible!? Or Possible!?

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-3-24 13:46:56

回复 17楼 Naoko 的帖子

HEY!!I knew you are back already!!!How's ur trip!? Fun!?
How's ur mission!? achieved!?
Mission Impossible!!! huh!?
Guess the wind there wasn'tstrong enough to blow/tear apart the buttons lor, LOL
Hmm.............Where's my souvenir ar!?
Dont you dare to hide away from me wor!!LOL

hasayaqi1992 发表于 2009-3-24 14:09:21


Naoko 发表于 2009-3-24 22:50:31

回复 20楼 Sammi0128 的帖子

mission impossible lar, 5555555 , winds were too strong as thunderstorm, all hair gone lar…….

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-3-25 01:27:40

回复 22楼 Naoko 的帖子

Knew it!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Means No souvenir la!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Naoko 发表于 2009-3-25 01:51:59

原帖由 Sammi0128 于 2009-3-25 01:27 发表
Knew it!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Means No souvenir la!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i can give mine if u dont mind

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-3-25 13:18:04

回复 24楼 Naoko 的帖子

OMG!!Gal, that's not appropriate at all eh!!
OF COURSE I Mind la!!Who/whatdo u think I am wor!! Oh my goodness!! No Thank You la!
Dont worry about it!! Keep 'em for me then!! LOL

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-3-29 11:11:02

回复 22楼 Naoko 的帖子

LOL Poor You Naoko!!
Mission failed thenafraid u have totry harder next time lor
Guess the wind wasn't that strong ja, didn't blow u away wor, instead of laoshi precious stuff!! LOL!!

Let Samantha take over this hard mission la, will definitely be achieved on this October!Just wait for my good news la, LOL

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