Naoko 发表于 2019-9-24 04:06:22



在酒店窗外看到這場婚禮 還是忍不住的感動了起來 願你們相濡以沫 相知相惜!


190924 13:01 來自 iPhone 7

蓝月亮 发表于 2019-9-29 15:50:06

That lucky couple had such a sweet (secret) wedding witness. {:8_173:}

Naoko 发表于 2019-9-29 16:01:26

蓝月亮 发表于 2019-9-29 15:50
That lucky couple had such a sweet (secret) wedding witness.

he is the cupid blessing in the air{:1_278:}

蓝月亮 发表于 2019-9-29 16:07:27

Naoko 发表于 2019-9-29 16:01
he is the cupid blessing in the air

Indeed! I'm sure he will bring good luck to them!

Naoko 发表于 2019-9-29 23:02:29

蓝月亮 发表于 2019-9-29 16:07
Indeed! I'm sure he will bring good luck to them!

i hope I could receive his blessing too~
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