Naoko 发表于 2009-8-9 05:31:37


一面看 [帕帕笙歌] 的帖, 突然看到了句句似曾相识的...
何时也曾经吟嚷着相同的句子, 那时曾经感动过某人的歌声, 我偷偷再唱一遍...旋律再次响起, 唱着唱着, 原来依然是会伤心难过~~~我以为可以永远不再记起, 但为什么心仍是会痛

229011529 发表于 2009-8-9 05:43:43


Sammi0128 发表于 2009-8-9 06:06:11

Oh gal..........dont look back nor go back!!!! NO!NO!NO! HELL NO!!!~~~~~~~~

these were only memories..........past tense!!!   present tense is going on today........and tomorrow will be a nicer day that is coming to u..............

DO Remember who have done all those hurts and wounds to u..........and DO NOT forget who broke ur heart!! I still remember vividly u have said all of these to me.............

Be Strong, gal!!! Don't!!NEVER go back to the same trap!!!   It's only memories.........u know........sometimes when u are will come back and haunt u.........but don't get fooled again...........

You've come through a long long way so far tried to erase all those's okay..........i know u can do it cuz you're a tough gal..............dont give up!! NEVER!!!    u gotta learn how to FORGET not RETRIEVE!!!!

DO remember u are not alone............I am and will be always beside u and be ur backup fighter.......... cuz we are not much different inside.........u name it i've been through these painful stages too...............
u I am.........Samantha........but a much tougher and stronger and wiser fighter/warrior!!!

gal, dont lose the war like this..........u can do it!!!   
Life is like this.........gotta full of pains and loves............ ups and downs............

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-8-9 06:23:57

it's okay........we are not holy saint!! If u want to cry..............just cry........i cry along with u...............

but if u want to give up to lose..........DONT!!!.......i can't do that with u.........NEVER........

DO remember we are not the same gals that we were used to be anymore...............after all those long years, we've survived and learnt infinite of precious experiences........that's priceless!!

Do remember we are BIG BIG girls in BIG BIG world!!!

DONT go back to the narrow square one........NEVER!!!!   

LET YOURSELF RELIVE your life once more..............

Memories are devils......EVIL!!!

Realities are angels.....PRECIOUS!!!

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-8-9 06:35:41

Oh gal.........I know u are reading................just to let u know's okay to cry in once a while.............but NOT forever!!!!         

As we get older...........looking back to all those memories,it's just a foolish game and laugh at ' need to feel sad........ let 'em go!!..................

we gotta say a loud "THANK YOU" to all those who have broken our hearts..........if without them we might not be able to learn how to be a stronger, tougher,wiser persons..........right!?   


Again..........think about it............indeed we are not that bad at all, considered as lucky and fortunated to be alive here .........look at all those ppl in the third world countries or poor places...........they dont even have a chance to live their lives....not even a single tiny second can they able to know the word, "LOVE",PAINS that's the only world they face and know and i right, gal!!?

[ 本帖最后由 Sammi0128 于 2009-8-9 06:42 编辑 ]

Naoko 发表于 2009-8-9 06:43:37

yup i got it, actually i had not thought it for a century,just an emotional attacked when i read thur the lyric post......dont know y i picked tt song again & still heartbreak when i was singing..........
im fine now & i do remember wht should i be, tks Sasa, yes! let's be the tough+ strong + wise fighters

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-8-9 06:50:28

good.........i know u can do it..........cuz we are not dumb anymore...........

last time i was listening to LO C's "huang hun" over and over..........sitting inside the car, weeping like a pig..........but it's okay............once in a while let ur emotions explosed and gone.......... then back to reality............

Sammi0128 发表于 2009-8-9 06:56:52

gal...........dont try to think la................... come back to reality................. Life is beautiful...........

go to sleep la...............remember u've promised me to get tons rest ga ma.........and now........u've broken it.......

OMG!! almost 7am in HK la..............go go go to sleep la...........dont make me worry about u again..........

PLeaseeeeeeeeee!!!! beg u to go to sleep!!!! be a good gal la...................

I am going home now too ya remember whenever u need someone to talk i am a good candidate wor......... .good night gal............sweet dreams ya..........

孤单北极雪 发表于 2009-8-9 09:52:49

aha, two girls de hu xiang an wei
I jue de sasa xiang duo le
Naoko sang this song so great, cuz u've that experience, maybe chou will choose you next Album

[ 本帖最后由 孤单北极雪 于 2009-8-9 09:57 编辑 ]

zoron 发表于 2009-8-9 10:30:18

real is gao xiao de tie

帕帕笙歌 发表于 2009-8-9 11:25:02

救命好多太空文   俺们看不懂谁来翻译下   

zoron 发表于 2009-8-9 11:28:33

no shi no shi

ronaldoghgq 发表于 2009-8-9 11:30:44


zoron 发表于 2009-8-9 11:36:57

water tie again

微笑天使 发表于 2009-8-9 11:47:18

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