
发表于 2023-5-23 12:54:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

親愛的老師真的沒關係呢! 這種小瑕疵還帶來意想不到的驚喜, 是每場Live獨一無二的無價寶[哇]
我反而好喜歡看老師被不完美突襲時的真情流露, 看多可愛的小表情喔!!
520的寧波, 因為歌者完全投入引發的專屬《暖風》 愛了, 收藏~


发表于 2023-5-24 06:16:25 | 显示全部楼层
Hahaha, He has a sweet reaction when he accidentally hits the microphone stand with the guitar. I love how he holds it to try to control it!  
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 楼主| 发表于 2023-5-28 00:57:42 | 显示全部楼层
蓝月亮 发表于 2023-5-24 06:16
Hahaha, He has a sweet reaction when he accidentally hits the microphone stand with the guitar. I lo ...

I loved to see he had such a funny little accident
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